Access Keys
Type of Access Keys
The owner key is the most valuable key on the Eco Planeta IQ platform. Each vehicle has only one owner key associated with one Eco Planeta User or Org...
Create Access Keys
If you have an owner, co-owner, manager or renter key, you can also create and share access keys with other users. Only with driver keys, you cannot c...
I cannot find my Access Key, what happend?
If somebody shared an Access Key with you, but it is not visible in your garage, make sure to update your view. For the web app version click on the ...
Access Events
If you are on the vehicle information page, you can find below the tab Access Events. In this overview you can see the complete history of all users t...
Access Keys Overview
Please note that this overview is only available if you have the correct Access Key . Please see this overview to see if you have access to this feat...