Type of Access Keys
Owner Key
The owner key is the most valuable key on the Eco Planeta IQ platform. Each vehicle has only one owner key associated with one Eco Planeta User or Organization. This key has full access to vehicle data and features and it can create all type of access keys.
The only exception is that private users that have an owner key cannot create a rental key.
Co-owner Key
The second highest key is the Co-Owner Key. This key allows you to do the same as the Owner key, with the exception of Transferring of Ownership and setting a vehicle to obsolete.
Manager Key
An organization account or organization member account with a manager key can create rental, maintenance and driver keys. A regular account can only create maintenance keys and regular keys.
Rental Key
If you share a rental key with another user, you give this user the permission to create driver keys for other users. If you revoke the rental key, all related keys automatically will be revoked.
This key is only available for organization accounts.
Maintenance Key
The maintenance key is designed for users that need to create a key for a dealership that needs to do maintenance to your vehicle. With this key you give the dealership permission to share access keys only inside their organization. When you revoke the maintenance key, all keys related to this maintenance key will be also automatically revoked.
Driver Key
With a driver key you can enable and disable vehicles. You don't have permission to create and share keys with other users.