I cannot find my Access Key, what happend?
Somebody shared an Access Key, but I don't see it
If somebody shared an Access Key with you, but it is not visible in your garage, make sure to update your view.
For the web app version click on the refresh button in your browser to refresh your garage page.
For the mobile app version you need to go to your garage and slide your golf carts down and let go to update. Or you can update on the vehicle page to also slide down the page and let go to update.
I don't see my Access Key anymore
If you had an Access Key, but it is not visible anymore in your garage, it is revoked manually by another user or it is expired because you had a temporary access key.
You can request the owner for access again, but it is up to the owner or another user with the correct key to decide to share the access key with you again or not.