Charging Events


Type of battery

Garage > Vehicle Information Page

Please not that this functionality is currently only available in the webapp.

To make sure that Charging Events are generated for your vehicle, you have to select the correct battery type you have installed in the vehicle. Please make sure that you click save and that the battery type is correct, otherwise it can lead to incorrect Charging Events.

If your battery type is not available please reach out to Eco Planeta IQ.

Charging Events

Garage > Vehicle Information Page > Charging Events

Please not that this functionality is currently only available in the webapp.

Every time the vehicle is charged, a new charging event is generated. Each record shows you which user last had interaction with the vehicle before the event and what type of interaction this user had (Lock or Unlock). You can also find the start and end time of the event with the duration time.

Please not that charging events gives an estimate of the charging event based on the change in voltage. It will per definition miss the first part and the last part of the charging event.

Charging events are not available for users with a Renter, Maintenance or Driver Key.